Prof. dr. thomas friedrich
Thomas friedrich leipzig
Department of Chemistry Prof. Dr. Connect with experts in your field Join ResearchGate to contact this researcher and connect with.Thomas friedrich musiker Thomas Friedrich, who founded the journal ‘Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry’ together with Rolf Sulanke in and acted as editor in chief for more than 3 decades, died in Marburg (Germany) on February 27, , at the age of sixty-eight of COPD and lung cancer. Besides sketching Thomas’s biography and scientific work, it is our goal in this obituary to tell the founding story of.
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry - TU Berlin Thomas Friedrich TU München, Institut für Informatik, Lehrstuhl für Algorithmen und Komplexität English| Deutsch Chair of Algorithms and ComplexityPeopleThomas Friedrich HomeNewsPeopleThomas FriedrichTeachingResearchPublicationsProjectsContact Thomas Friedrich July Jens Quedenfeld completed his doctoral degree.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Fässler - TUM Thomas Friedrich () was a full professor at the Department of Mathematics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, until his retirement in His main research areas were Global Analysis.