Wie alt ist orlando bloom
Orlando bloom tochter Orlando Jonathan Blanchard Copeland Bloom (born 13 January ) is an English actor. He made his breakthrough as the character Legolas in The Lord of the Rings film series. He reprised his role in The Hobbit film series.
Orlando bloom katy perry Orlando Bloom. Movie Actor. Birthday January 13, Birth Sign Capricorn. Birthplace Canterbury, England. Age 46 years old. # Most Popular. Boost.
Orlando bloom partner Orlando Jonathan Blanchard Copeland Bloom was born on January 13, in Canterbury, Kent, England. His mother, Sonia Constance Josephine Bloom (née Copeland), was born in Kolkata, India, to an English family then-resident there.
Orlando bloom young Orlando Bloom is a popular British actor and heartthrob known for his roles in 'The Lord of the Rings' and 'Pirates of the Caribbean' films.
Orlando bloom 2023 Bloom was named after the 16th century composer Orlando Gibbons. In early days, Orlando thought that his biological father was his mother’s husband, the Hebrew South African-born anti-Apartheid novelist Harry Saul Bloom (–81), who died when Bloom was four years old.
Orlando bloom neuer film 2. Orlando Jonathan Blanchard Copeland Bloom [1] (born 13 January ) [2] [3] is an English actor. He made his breakthrough as the character Legolas in The Lord of the Rings film series. He reprised his role in The Hobbit film series. Considered the Errol Flynn of his time, [4] [5] [6] he gained further notice appearing in epic fantasy.
Orlando bloom legolas Fragen und Fakten über Orlando Bloom. In welchem Jahr wurde Orlando Bloom geboren? Bloom wurde vor 46 Jahren in den er-Jahren im Jahr geboren. Wie alt ist Orlando Bloom? In diesem Jahr wurde Orlando Bloom 46 Jahre alt. Er kam vor genau Tagen zur Welt. Wann ist der Geburtstag von Orlando Bloom? Orlando Bloom hat im Winter am